Tuesday 19 October 2010

Royal Hospital Road

My husband (not usually one to risk a surprise birthday present) had been saying for a couple of month's that he had a cracker up his sleeve for my birthday this year. It has to be said that I was worried for him, but he really came up trumps with a visit to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant.

I'd been suffering with flu for a few days beforehand, but flu or no flu, I wasn't going to miss this opportunity. I think adrenaline must have kicked in as, it has to be said, I have slight memory loss about certain parts of the evening. Regardless, it was an absolute winner.

Bad service is a real sticking point for me. Having previously worked as a waitress myself I find rude service a particular bug bear of mine (it's really not that hard to be polite). I can honestly say we received the best service ever here. It was friendly without being over-familiar and knowledgeable without ever being condescending. The Maitre'd was particularly lovely, as was the cheese man (I'm sure that isn't the correct term, but you know who I mean).

Anyway, on to the food...

I had the lobster tails poached in butter to start (nothing like lobster tails poached in butter to make you feel better!). It was absolutely delicious - so rich and tasty. Yum. Tom had the lobster ravioli which was also delicious (the house speciality).

For mains I had the pork, which was good, although not the best main I have ever had. Still, I'm being picky. It was totally delicious, just not totally mind blowing. Tom had the lamb, which again was god although the proportions were a little out. Not enough of the delicious lamb confit or enough veg. Still, very good.

The cheese was probably a highlight. In an attempt to blow away the cobwebs we went for the strongest cheese there was, and we weren't disappointed. On the cheese man's recommendation we had camembert in calvados which was probably the nicest cheese I've ever had. I will be hunting it down for the Father-in-Law's Christmas present. One cheese lover to another.

We had the medley of desserts, also fantastic. The highlight for me was the souffle - light, fluffy and utterly delicious. The petit fours of ice-cream chocolates served in a dry-ice box topped it off perfectly.

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