Monday 1 March 2010

Tom Ilic, Battersea

Oh dear lord, it has been almost a year since I have updated my blog. A few good reasons (excuses!): planning a wedding, moving jobs and (probably the main one here) going on a diet. Sadly writing a restaurant blog and attempting to reduce the amount you eat do not go hand in hand. Nevertheless I have squeezed in a fair few outings (and many a Pizza Express, but I don't think that really counts...).

Probably the most notable is Tom Ilic. I have been there twice in the past month. It had been recommend to us on a number of occasions and we eventually got round to going, and then again within a couple of weeks because the first visit was so good!

The first time was far better, both in terms of food and service. Maybe we were a little unlucky the second time (I was brought the wrong main course), but the food wasn't as good and the service was downright rude. After being told they wouldn't charge us for the incorrect main they then put it on the bill anyway and took about 30mins to remove it again (and appeared non to keen to do this at all...)

All in all I would say perhaps not as good as first thought. However, Tom Ilic's pork dishes are fantastic as is his sweetbread starter. I think the key is to stick to the poorer cuts of meat, as this seems to be his speciality.

Restaurant surroundings are somewhat old fashioned, service very hit and miss, but food pretyt good and sometime immense).

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