Friday 16 May 2008

Four o Nine (Clapham North)

This was my second visit to Four o Nine (I went when it first opened, about a year ago). Things have definitely gone downhill since then...

The first time I went I was really impressed. There aren't too many really good restaurants in that area (although Upstairs in Brixton is pretty close by...and absolutely miles better). The food is still good (according the website the chef hails from Chez Bruce), which must surely be one of, if not the, best restaurant in South London.

I had the seabass which was well-cooked and the mash it was served on absolutely delicious - creamy, smooth, pretty much exactly how mash should be. My friends meals were also good. It was really pretty much everything around the food which really let the place down (which is always somehow more disappointing?). What a shame to be spot-on with the cooking and have poor service let it down so badly.

The hostess that greeted us was snooty (giving us all a thorough look up and down both when we arrived). When our mains were cleared we sat and waited for 15 minutes and eventually had to ask to see the dessert menu, as clearly it was never going to be offered. My friend and I both ordered the cheese board. Again, it was good. What was disappointing was when we asked our waiter what was on the cheeseboard he had no idea (and seemed genuinely shocked to have been asked). My friend doesn't like blue cheese, and it was clearly a real chore for him to find out if there was blue cheese, and to remove it.

It was the general running of the restaurant that seemed to let it down. The toilets were broken (to the point of overflowing) and when I informed the snooty hostess I was told 'No problem'. Well, actually, yes, it is a bit of a problem. I think the word she was searching for was 'Sorry'. And perhaps a 'thank you for letting us know'?!

Anyway, needless to say I won't be back. Which is a shame, because the food really is good.

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